C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
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513 lines
* file d:\cips\addsub.c
* Functions: This file contains
* add_image_array
* subtract_image_array
* Purpose:
* These functions implement
* image addition and subtraction.
* External Calls:
* wtiff.c - does_not_exist
* round_off_image_size
* create_allocate_tiff_file
* write_array_into_tiff_image
* tiff.c - read_tiff_header
* rtiff.c - read_tiff_image
* Modifications:
* 1 April 1992 - created
#include "d:\cips\cips.h"
* add_image_array(...
* This function adds two ROWSxCOLS image
* sections. The image file named out_name
* will receive the sum of the image file
* named in1_name and the image file
* named in2_name.
add_image_array(in1_name, in2_name, out_name, the_image, out_image,
il1, ie1, ll1, le1,
il2, ie2, ll2, le2,
il3, ie3, ll3, le3)
char in1_name[], in2_name[], out_name[];
int il1, ie1, ll1, le1,
il2, ie2, ll2, le2,
il3, ie3, ll3, le3;
short the_image[ROWS][COLS],
int i, j, length, max, width;
struct tiff_header_struct image_header;
printf("\n\n output file does not exist %s", out_name);
read_tiff_header(in1_name, &image_header);
&length, &width);
image_header.image_length = length*ROWS;
image_header.image_width = width*COLS;
create_allocate_tiff_file(out_name, &image_header,
} /* ends if does_not_exist */
read_tiff_header(in1_name, &image_header);
max = 255;
if(image_header.bits_per_pixel == 4)
max = 16;
read_tiff_image(in1_name, the_image, il1, ie1, ll1, le1);
read_tiff_image(in2_name, out_image, il2, ie2, ll2, le2);
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++){
for(j=0; j<COLS; j++){
out_image[i][j] = the_image[i][j] + out_image[i][j];
if(out_image[i][j] > max)
out_image[i][j] = max;
} /* ends loop over j */
} /* ends loop over i */
write_array_into_tiff_image(out_name, out_image,
il3, ie3, ll3, le3);
} /* ends add_image_array */
* subtract_image_array(...
* This function subtracts two ROWSxCOLS image
* sections. The image file named out_name
* will receive the difference of the image file
* named in1_name and the image file
* named in2_name.
* out_name = in1_name - in2_name
subtract_image_array(in1_name, in2_name, out_name, the_image, out_image,
il1, ie1, ll1, le1,
il2, ie2, ll2, le2,
il3, ie3, ll3, le3)
char in1_name[], in2_name[], out_name[];
int il1, ie1, ll1, le1,
il2, ie2, ll2, le2,
il3, ie3, ll3, le3;
short the_image[ROWS][COLS],
int i, j, length, width;
struct tiff_header_struct image_header;
printf("\n\n output file does not exist %s", out_name);
read_tiff_header(in1_name, &image_header);
&length, &width);
image_header.image_length = length*ROWS;
image_header.image_width = width*COLS;
create_allocate_tiff_file(out_name, &image_header,
} /* ends if does_not_exist */
read_tiff_header(in1_name, &image_header);
read_tiff_image(in1_name, the_image, il1, ie1, ll1, le1);
read_tiff_image(in2_name, out_image, il2, ie2, ll2, le2);
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++){
for(j=0; j<COLS; j++){
out_image[i][j] = the_image[i][j] - out_image[i][j];
if(out_image[i][j] < 0)
out_image[i][j] = 0;
} /* ends loop over j */
} /* ends loop over i */
write_array_into_tiff_image(out_name, out_image,
il3, ie3, ll3, le3);
} /* ends subtract_image_array */
* file d:\cips\cutp.c
* Functions: This file contains
* cut_image_piece
* paste_image_piece
* check_cut_and_paste_limits
* Purpose:
* These functions cut pieces out
* of images and paste them back into
* images.
* External Calls:
* wtiff.c - does_not_exist
* round_off_image_size
* create_allocate_tiff_file
* write_array_into_tiff_image
* tiff.c - read_tiff_header
* rtiff.c - read_tiff_image
* Modifications:
* 3 April 1992 - created
* cut_image_piece(...
* This function cuts out a rectangular
* piece of an image. This rectangle can
* be any shape so long as no dimension
* is greater than ROWS or COLS.
cut_image_piece(name, the_image, il, ie, ll, le)
char name[];
int il, ie, ll, le;
short the_image[ROWS][COLS];
printf("\n\ncut_image_piece>> ERROR "
"image file does not exist %s", name);
} /* ends if does_not_exist */
read_tiff_image(name, the_image, il, ie, ll, le);
} /* ends cut_image_piece */
* paste_image_piece(...
* This function pastes a rectangular
* piece of an image into another image.
* This rectangle can be any shape so long
* as no dimension is greater than ROWS or COLS.
* The rectangle to be pasted into the image
* is described by the il, ie, ll, le
* parameters.
* You pass is the out_image array just in
* case you need to allocate the destination
* image.
paste_image_piece(dest_name, source_name, the_image,
out_image, il, ie, ll, le)
char dest_name[], source_name[];
int il, ie, ll, le;
short the_image[ROWS][COLS],
struct tiff_header_struct image_header;
printf("\n\ncut_image_piece>> "
"image file does not exist %s", dest_name);
read_tiff_header(source_name, &image_header);
create_allocate_tiff_file(dest_name, &image_header,
} /* ends if does_not_exist */
write_array_into_tiff_image(dest_name, the_image,
il, ie, ll, le);
} /* ends paste_image_piece */
* check_cut_and_paste_limits(...
* This function looks at the line and
* element parameters and ensures that they
* are not bigger than ROWS and COLS. If
* they are bigger, the last element or
* last line parameters are reduced.
check_cut_and_paste_limits(il, ie, ll, le)
int *il, *ie, *ll, *le;
if((*ll - *il) > ROWS)
*ll = *il + ROWS;
if((*le - *ie) > COLS)
*le = *ie + COLS;
} /* ends check_cut_and_paste_limits */
* file d:\cips\rotate.c
* Functions: This file contains
* rotate_flip_image_array
* Purpose:
* This function rotates or flips an image
* array in one of five ways.
* External Calls:
* wtiff.c - does_not_exist
* round_off_image_size
* create_allocate_tiff_file
* write_array_into_tiff_image
* tiff.c - read_tiff_header
* rtiff.c - read_tiff_image
* Modifications:
* 1 April 1992 - created
* rotate_flip_image_array(...
* This function rotates an image array
* in one of three ways or flips an image
* array either vertically or horizontally.
* The rotation_type parameter specifies
* the operation. When rotation_type is
* 1, 2, or 3 you rotate. When it is
* 4 or 5 you flip.
* I define rotation as this: Pin down the
* lower left hand corner of the image array
* and rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.
* 1 rotation is 90 degrees, 2 rotations are
* 180 degrees, and 3 rotations are 270 degrees.
* 4 rotations bring you back to where you
* started.
* The cases are:
* If the input image array is:
* 1 2 3
* 4 5 6
* 7 8 9
* Rotate # 1 - the result is:
* 7 4 1
* 8 5 2
* 9 6 3
* Rotate # 2 - the result is:
* 9 8 7
* 6 5 4
* 3 2 1
* Rotate # 3 - the result is:
* 3 6 9
* 2 5 8
* 1 4 7
* Flip # 4 - horizontal the result is:
* 3 2 1
* 6 5 4
* 9 8 7
* Flip # 5 - vertical the result is:
* 7 8 9
* 4 5 6
* 1 2 3
* The in_file is the source image with
* parameters given by il1, ie1, ll1, le1.
* The out_file is the destination image with
* parameters given by il2, ie2, ll2, le2.
rotate_flip_image_array(in_name, out_name, the_image,
out_image, il1, ie1, ll1, le1,
il2, ie2, ll2, le2, rotation_type)
char in_name[], out_name[];
int il1, ie1, ll1, le1,
il2, ie2, ll2, le2, rotation_type;
short the_image[ROWS][COLS],
int cd2, i, j, length, rd2, type, width;
struct tiff_header_struct image_header;
printf("\n\n output file does not exist %s", out_name);
read_tiff_header(in_name, &image_header);
&length, &width);
image_header.image_length = length*ROWS;
image_header.image_width = width*COLS;
create_allocate_tiff_file(out_name, &image_header,
} /* ends if does_not_exist */
* Check the rotation_type. If it is not
* a valid value, set it to 1.
type = rotation_type;
if(type != 1 &&
type != 2 &&
type != 3 &&
type != 4 &&
type != 5) type = 1;
read_tiff_image(in_name, the_image, il1, ie1, ll1, le1);
* Rotate the image array as desired.
* 1 90 degree rotation
if(type == 1 || type == 2 || type == 3){
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++){
for(j=0; j<COLS; j++)
out_image[j][COLS-1-i] = the_image[i][j];
} /* ends loop over i */
} /* ends if type == 1 or 2 or 3 */
* a second 90 degree rotation
if(type == 2 || type == 3){
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++)
for(j=0; j<COLS; j++)
the_image[i][j] = out_image[i][j];
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++){
for(j=0; j<COLS; j++)
out_image[j][COLS-1-i] = the_image[i][j];
} /* ends loop over i */
} /* ends if type == 2 or 3 */
* a third 90 degree rotation
if(type == 3){
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++)
for(j=0; j<COLS; j++)
the_image[i][j] = out_image[i][j];
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++){
for(j=0; j<COLS; j++)
out_image[j][COLS-1-i] = the_image[i][j];
} /* ends loop over i */
} /* ends if type == 3 */
* Flip the image array horizontally
* about the center vertical axis.
if(type == 4){
cd2 = COLS/2;
for(j=0; j<cd2; j++){
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++){
out_image[i][COLS-1-j] = the_image[i][j];
} /* ends loop over i */
} /* ends loop over j */
for(j=cd2; j<COLS; j++){
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++){
out_image[i][COLS-1-j] = the_image[i][j];
} /* ends loop over i */
} /* ends loop over j */
} /* ends if type == 4 */
* Flip the image array vertically
* about the center horizontal axis.
if(type == 5){
rd2 = ROWS/2;
for(i=0; i<rd2; i++){
for(j=0; j<COLS; j++){
out_image[ROWS-1-i][j] = the_image[i][j];
} /* ends loop over j */
} /* ends loop over i */
for(i=rd2; i<ROWS; i++){
for(j=0; j<COLS; j++){
out_image[ROWS-1-i][j] = the_image[i][j];
} /* ends loop over j */
} /* ends loop over i */
} /* ends if type == 5 */
write_array_into_tiff_image(out_name, out_image,
il2, ie2, ll2, le2);
} /* ends rotate_flip_image_array */